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FAQ Page

Selling | Renting your timeshare

If I Still Have Financing On My Timeshare Can I Sell It..?

  1. Yes, of course you CAN. Usually, what you owe is taken out of the buyer's purchase offer during the closing process.

How Long Does A Timeshare Closing Take..?

  1. It can take anywhere from 30 to 180 days to complete a timeshare closing from start to finish. However, each closing is different. A number of factors can impact the speed with which your closing will be processed including how quickly each party executes and meets all requirements during various stages throughout the closing..

Do I Have To Pay For An Appraisal..?

  1. It is not necessary for a timeshare property to undergo an appraisal by a licensed real estate broker. If you bought your timeshare from a developer, your property was never appraised. There is no reason to pay for an appraisal now.

Do I Need A Lawyer To Handle The Timeshare Closing..?

  1. No. As part of its full-service approach to the success of your timeshare sale, We are licensed and bonded with title companies that will charge far less than high-priced lawyers. For one affordable flat rate, we can handle the closing process from start to finish. The title work is attorney-reviewed and guaranteed to be free and clear.

Should I Charge Nightly Rates Or Weekly Rates..?

  1. This is entirely up to you. American Alliance Group allows timeshare owners to make a choice in accordance with either option. Most owners choose to pick a price point similar to their annual maintenance fees. That way, the renter is getting a great deal and you aren’t losing any money by not visiting your timeshare.

How Do I Receive Offers..?

  1. When an offer is made on your rental listing, it will be forwarded to you for your consideration. You can either accept the offer, or make a counter offer directly to the prospective renter. Note that this is only the case if you chose the for-rent-by-owner advertising package. If you took advantage of our Book Now package, renters simply reserve your timeshare with the click of the mouse online. Therefore, you do not have to worry about fielding offers.